Throughout our lives most of us experiment with different styles. You may be someone that has already defined your style or someone that is still trying to figure out.

Personal style is how individuals express themselves through their choice of clothing and the way they put outfits together. It should reflect you as an individual, your creativity, lifestyle and likes. It is also about who you want to be or how you represent yourself to the outside world. It should feel natural and comfortable.

In addition, as we get older our style changes and evolves, and so, personal style can always be tweaked and reassessed.

Here are my top tips for: HOW TO FIND YOUR PERSONAL STYLE

Wardrobe assessment
First stop is your wardrobe. Take out all the items that you love and wear a lot, look at them and start to analyse every individual one – why do you like them! Is it the colour or print, the shape that suits your body or texture of fabric etc.

Lifestyle needs
What do you do on a daily basis? Are you a career woman who needs
corporate-wear or work somewhere that you can wear a more relaxed look? Are you
a stay-at-home mum that spends most of your daily life around kids and family? Does
your wardrobe suit your lifestyle? Do you feel comfortable in what you wear? Does it
feel like you? Once you have answered these questions, you can better understand
your wardrobe needs.

Style icon
Find a celebrity or style icon who has your body type whom you would like to wear
similar clothes to. This can help give you or your stylist a direction to follow and gain
inspiration from.

External sources
Get inspiration from fashion magazines and pinterest or other social media sites and
save the styles you like or create a mood board from these. Look at the trends, but
remember they are just suggestions. Only pick out the ones that work for you as a
person and your lifestyle.

Colour and shape profile
Define the colours that suit and flatter your complexion and what shapes and styles will look good on you.

Shop smart
Having considered the above, make a list of what is missing in your wardrobe and pick out key staples that can be interchangeable for different occasions. Don’t buy everything you think looks good on the rail and think about how new items can be
worn in multiple different ways with your existing wardrobe. Shop smart.

Mix and match
Finally, start experimenting but remember do not replicate! What looks good on someone else will not look exactly the same on you. Take inspiration, but style it your way. That’s what makes it personal and finding your style will boost your confidence immensely and reflect who you are.

Happy styling, lovely people!

If you need help with this I am more than happy to work with you! Just visit the contact page and send me a message.